
Learning to read crochet patterns


beg....................... begin/beginning

bpdc..................... back post double crochet

bpsc...................... back post single crochet  

bptr....................... back post  treble crochet

CC......................... contrasting color

ch.......................... chain stitch

ch-......................... refers to chain or space previously made                                    (i.e. ch-1 space)

ch sp..................... chain space

cl........................... cluster

cm......................... centimeter(s)

dc......................... double crochet

dc dec................... double crochet 2 or more stitches 
                               together, as indicated

dec........................ decrease/decreases/decreasing

dtr......................... double treble crochet

fpdc...................... front post double crochet

fpsc...................... front post single crochet  

fptr........................ front post  treble post 

g........................... grams 

hdc........................ half double crochet

hdc dec................. half double crochet (decrease) 2 or more 
                                stitches together, as indicated

inc......................... increase/increases/increasing

lp(s)....................... loops(s)

MC........................ main color

mm........................ millimeter(s)

oz.......................... ounce(s)

pc....................       popcorn

rem........................ remain/remaining

rep........................ repeat(s)

rnd(s)..................... round(s)

RS......................... right side

sc.......................... single crochet

sc dec................... single crochet (decrease) 2 or more                                              stitches together, as indicated

sk.......................... skip(ped)

sl st......................slip stitch

sp(s)...................... space(s)

st(s)....................... stitch(es)

tog........................ together

tr...........................treble crochet

trtr......................... triple treble

WS........................ wrong side

yd(s)...................... yard(s)

yo......................... yarn over


Crochet patterns use symbols to signal repeated text, special instructions and clarifying information.

(  )  Work instructions within parentheses in place directed; used to indicate collective stitch groups worked as one procedure in the same place; used for additional or clarifying information, indicated in italic text.

[  ]  Repeat instructions within brackets as directed; also used to indicate additional or clarifying information.

{  } Repeat instructions within braces as directed; used to indicate a set of repeat instructions that are worked within a bracketed set of repeat instructions, or to indicate multiple repeats of stitch patterns that are part of a collective stitch group contained within parentheses.

*    Repeat instructions following a single asterisk or between two single asterisks as directed.

**  This symbol has two uses, as follows:

1. Repeat instructions between or from double asterisks as directed, usually in combination with a set of single asterisk instructions.

2. Work a partial set of repeat instructions as indicated by double asterisks.

à    Repeat instructions between or from diamonds as directed, usually in combination with single asterisk instructions.

Additional Terminology

Work even: Work in pattern already established without increasing or decreasing stitches.