
Emily Shawl

18 stitches + 9 rows = 4inch. (10 centimeters) in pattern. Be sure to check your gauge . If it takes you fewer stitches and rows to make a 4 in. [10 centimeters] square, try using a smaller size hook or needles; if more stitches and rows, try a larger size hook or needles.

 shawl :

chain 3 , join with slip stitch in first chain to form a ring.

Row 1 : chain 3 , 9 double crochet in ring ; don not join .

 Row 2: chain 3 , turn , double crochet in next double crochet,(double crochet in next double crochet, 2 double crochet in next double crochet) across . you will find that you make 13 double crochet.

Row 3: chain 3, turn, (2 double crochet in next double crochet, double crochet in next double crochet) across to last double crochet, double crochet in last double crochet . you will find that you made 19 double crochet.

Row 4: chain 3, turn, 2 double crochet in next double crochet, (ch 2, skip 2 double crochet, 3 double crochet in next double crochet) across – 6 chain-2 space.

Row 5: chain 5 (counts as double crochet, chain 2), turn, (3 double crochet in next chain-2 space, chain 2) across, end double crochet in top of beginning chain-3 – 7 chain-2 space.

Row 6: chain 3, turn, 2 double crochet in first chain,2 space, (chain 2, 3 double crochet in next chain,2 space) across – 6 chain -2 space.

Row 7: chain 3, turn,double crochet in next 2 double crochet, (4 double crochet in next chain-2 space, double crochet in next 3 double crochet) across, end last repeat with double crochet in top of beginning chain-3 . you will find that you made 44 double crochet.

Row 8: chain 3, turn, double crochet in each double crochet across.

Row 9: chain 3, turn, 2 double crochet in first double crochet,double crochet in each stitch across to last double crochet, 2 double crochet in last double crochet . you will find that you made 46 double crochet.

Row 10: chain 3, turn, 2 double crochet in first double crochet, (chain 2,skip next 2 double crochet, 3 double crochet in next double crochet) across . you will find that you made15 ch-2 space.

Row 11: Repeat Row 5 .you will find that you made 16 chain-2 space.

Row 12: Repeat Row 6 .you will find that you made 15 chain-2 space.

Row 13: Chain 3, turn, double crochet in next 2 double crochet, (2 double crochet in next ch-2 space, double crochet in next 3 double crochet) across . you will find that you made 77 double crochet.

Row 14: Repeat Row 8.

Row 15: Chain 3, turn, double crochet in each stitch across, increase 2 double crochet evenly spaced – you will find that you made 79 double crochet.

Rows 16–19: Repeat Rows 10–13 . you will find that you made132 double crochet.

Row 20: Repeat Row 8.

Row 21: Chain 3, turn, 2 double crochet in first double crochet, double crochet in each stitch across . you will find that you made133 double crochet.

Rows 22–24: Repeat Rows 10–12 . you will find that you made 44 chain-2 space.

Row 25: chain 3, turn, double crochet in next double crochet, skip next double crochet, (2 double crochet in next chain-2 space, double crochet in next 2 double crochet, skip next double crochet) across . you will find that you made178 double crochet.

Rows 26 and 27: Repeat Row 8.

Rows 28–33: Repeat Rows 22–27 . you will find that you made 238 double crochet.

Rows 34–39: Repeat Rows 22–27 . you will find that you made 318 double crochet.

Row 40: chain 3, turn, double crochet in first 2 stitches, *chain 2, skip next 2 double crochet, 3 double crochet in next double crochet, chain 2, skip next 2 double crochet,double crochet in next double crochet, 2 double crochet in next double crochet; repeat from * across to last 8double crochet, ch 2, skip next 2 double crochet, 3 double crochet in next double crochet, chain 2, skip next 2 double crochet, double crochet in last 3double crochet . you will find that you made 90 chain-2 space.

Rows 41–45: Repeat Rows 23–27 . you will find that you made 362 double crochet.

Row 46: Ch 3, turn, 2double crochet in first st, *chain 2, skip next 2 double crochet, 3 double crochet in next double crochet, chain 2, skip next 2 double crochet, double crochet in next double crochet, 2 double crochet in next double crochet; repeat from * across to last 4 double crochet, chain 2, skip next 2 double crochet, 2double crochet in next double crochet, double crochet in last double crochet .you will find that you made 103 chain-2 space.

Rows 47–49: Repeat Rows 23–25 . you will find that you made 414 double crochet. Do not fasten off.

Chain 1, turn, work (single crochet in next stitch, double crochet in next 2 stitches, triple crochet in next 2 stitches, double crochet in next 2 stitches) evenly spaced around Shawl. Fasten off.

Weave in ends.
in next double crochet, double crochet in next double crochet) across to last double crochet, double crochet in last dc . you will find that you made19 double crochet.

Row 4: Chain 3, turn, 2 double crochet in next double crochet, (chain 2, skip 2 double crochet, 3 double crochet in next double crochet) across . you will find that you made 6 chain-2 space.

Row 5: Chain 5 (counts as double crochet, chain 2), turn, (3 double crochet in next chain-2 space, chain 2) across, end double crochet in top of beginning chain-3 .you will find that you made 7 chain-2 space.

Row 6: Chain 3, turn, 2 double crochet in first chain-2 space, (chain 2, 3 double crochet in next chain-2 space) across. you will find that you made 6 chain-2 space.

Row 7: Chain 3, turn, double crochet in next 2 double crochet, (4 double crochet in next chain-2 space, double crochet in next 3 double crochet) across, end last repeat with double crochet in top of beginning chain-3 .you will find that you made 44 double crochet.

Row 8: Chain 3, turn, double crochet in each double crochet across.

Row 9: Chain 3, turn, 2 double crochet in first double crochet, double crochet in each stitch across to last double crochet, 2 double crochet in last double crochet . you will find that you made 46 double crochet.

Row 10: Chain 3, turn, 2 double crochet in first double crochet, (chain 2, skip next 2 double crochet, 3 double crochet in next double crochet) across .you will find that you made 15 chain-2 space.

Row 11: Repeat Row 5 .you will find that you made16 chain-2 space.

Row 12: Repeat Row 6 .you will find that you made 15 chain-2 space.

Row 13: Chain 3, turn, double crochet in next 2 double crochet, (2 double crochet in next chain-2 space, double crochet in next 3 double crochet) across .you will find that you made 77 double crochet.

Row 14: Repeat Row 8.

Row 15: Chain 3, turn, double crochet in each stitch across, increase 2 double crochet evenly spaced .you will find that you made 79 double crochet.

Rows 16–19: Repeat Rows 10–13 . you will find that you made132 double crochet.

Row 20: Repeat Row 8.

Row 21: Chain 3, turn, 2 double crochet in first double crochet, double crochet in each stitch across .you will find that you made 133 double crochet.

Rows 22–24: Repeat Rows 10–12 .you will find that you made 44 chain-2 space.

Row 25: Chain 3, turn, double crochet in next double crochet, skip next double crochet, (2 double crochet in next ch-2 space, double crochet in next 2 double crochet, skip next double crochet) across . you will find that you made178 double crochet.

Rows 26 and 27: Repeat Row 8.

Rows 28–33: Repeat Rows 22–27 .you will find that you made 238 double crochet.

Rows 34–39: Repeat Rows 22–27 . you will find that you made 318 double crochet.

Row 40: Chain 3, turn, double crochet in first 2 stitches, *chain 2, skip next 2 double crochet, 3double crochet  in next double crochet, chain 2, skip next 2 double crochet, double crochet in next double crochet, 2 double crochet in next double crochet; repeat from * across to last 8 double crochet, chain 2, skip next 2 double crochet, 3 double crochet in next double crochet, chain 2, skip next 2 double crochet, double crochet in last 3 double crochet . you will find that you made 90 chain-2 space.

Rows 41–45: Repeat Rows 23–27 .you will find that you made 362 double crochet.

Row 46: Chain 3, turn, 2 double crochet in first stitch, *chain 2, skip next 2 double crochet, 3 double crochet in next double crochet, chain 2, skip next 2 double crochet, double crochet in next double crochet, 2 double crochet in next double crochet; repeat from * across to last 4 double crochet, chain 2, skip next 2 double crochet, 2 double crochet in next double crochet, double crochet in last double crochet .you will find that you made 103 chain-2 space.

Rows 47–49: Repeat Rows 23–25 – 414 dc. Do not fasten off.

Chain 1, turn, work (single crochet in next stitch, dc in next 2 stitches, triple crochet in next 2 stitches, double crochet in next 2 stitches) evenly spaced around Shawl. Fasten off.

Weave in ends.